• Unfinished

    It was more about the idea of us

    than it was about us…

    the dreams that were built by unfinished

    half grown humanbeings

  • Let it rain

    Were You a cloud carrying old rain? poked by a Mountain poaring on my head top
    Is it my past pain and heartaches
    I hear You humming?
    Whispering to strangers “I love her” while whiplashing on my back…
    Did You forget that I had a sign that said
    Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s learning to DANCE in the rain…
    Did You forget? The sign You hated… calling me unrealistic…
    I would have taught You to dance too…
    But you chose green river, and to blacken my liver…
    SO… Sorry, I think You are hurting… I pray for your healing…
    And if this is part of your uprising, don’t worry I won’t sink by the load… For I am unwiring the pain away
    As I seal back the cracks and holes that let in
    Hurting people who hurt People…
    Life is too short to wasteaway
    Let it rain…
    After this prayer
    I am dancing it all away…
  • Divorce/separate/breakup

    It is like cutting away a piece of you…

    Be it a tumor or a healthy limb…

    The more time you spend The more you grow with and into each other…

    The remaining fact is

    Life has changed for you forever.

    As piece of you is cut away

    When the smoke clears, the anaesthesia wears off and the storm cools down.

    You Will feel all of it at once…

    Be it good for you or bad

    The fact is home isn’t home anymore… So it is absolutely OK to be saddened by that simple yet uneasy fact…

    And in time you shall heal… Until then… don’t deny yourself to feel…